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Venmo to 314-583-4729 or username Lissa Jordan@AustinJordan1

Mail check made payable to Austin Jordan Memorial Legacy, Inc

to P.O. Box 284 Mt. Vernon, KY 40456

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Support Austin Jordan Memorial Legacy, Inc Today!

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Austin Jordan Memorial Legacy, Inc is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of cancer fighters and sick children in hospitals. We believe that every child deserves to have a smile on their face, which is why we provide Legos and stuffed animals to children in hospitals. By making a donation today, you can help us make a difference in the lives of these children. Your generosity will go a long way in bringing joy and comfort to those who need it most.


Your donation will help us fund our mission of providing comfort and joy to children facing life-threatening illnesses and to cancer fighters. By making a donation today, you will be making a difference in the lives of cancer fighters, sick children and their families. Thank you for your support!

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